Thread: Theosophy
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Old 11-03-2013, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Saspian
To my knowledge Theosophy places an extreme emphasis on gurus. For example Hoot Koomi allegedly tutored Blavatsky.Annie Bessant, a former atheist leader was very prominent in London, later to gain high Theosophist status. Krishnamurti was designated to become god, or at least high priest of the movement; he declined.

Theosophists hold some strange notions regarding our genisis in Atlantas, Lumeria and other places......root races. Their Heaven, Devachan, is said to offer souls a review of past life and some opportunity to have input relevant to the next.................

Krishnamurti was considered by Theosophists to be the new World Teacher, the Maitreya.

Are their notions regarding the origin of our species which appeared in five different places on this planet (white, brown, red, yellow, and black) any stranger than that we were 'seeded' by aliens? It is certainly much more likely than being descended from one man and one woman. We would all be drooling idiots if that were the case, that is if we survived that long.

The Theosophists' Devachan or heaven (what's in a name?) sounds much like what I read in NDEs.
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