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Old 09-09-2017, 04:32 PM
baro-san baro-san is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 481
I think about soul's incarnations in physical in similar terms as dreams are for us. You can become lucid in this life as you can become lucid in a dream.

Also, for those very attached to their current physical: you aren't the same one you were when you were a kid, or a teen, or a youth, or the one you were last year, or even the one of a few moments ago. The further back in time you look at yourself, the more evident is that you aren't that person anymore. So don't be too scared of not being anymore the one you think you are now ... In each period of your life you had (most likely) people close and dear to you; some of them are completely gone, others are transformed in different persons than those you knew then.
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