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Old 04-08-2017, 11:06 PM
Golden Eagle Golden Eagle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 470
Meditation is the PRACTICE of Listening , not focus~

Be STILL and MASTER the Secret Of Stillness ..... which is LETTING GO ~

Anxiety and Stress are caused merely by ego.

Re-Connection is the Only Solution ~

Tools to aid:
The Mystic Path To Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard ( don't let the title throw you it could as well have been called TRUTH PSYCHOLOGY! )
The Secret Of Letting Go by Guy Finley ( this one came to me through Meditation! as an Angel whispered the answer to my question on healing with "Let it Go ..... Let it go ..... Let it all go" )

Meditation is SIMPLE ...... getting out of its way is a bit of a challenge!
Took me 3 months just to get the body to stop fidgeting ! And 6 more months to get the mind to be silent!
I would PRACTICE in the still of the night around 3AM for just 15-30 minutes.

In time the ANSWERS come without the need for even Meditation ....... for the Silent Stillness comes back into waking times and goes with us wherever we go ~

You need have NO FEAR of Divine Re-Connection ...... all Fear comes from ego and its deceptions which are in truth ....insane. 99.94% of the population is anxiety ridden ...... you are not alone in that and most have no clue they are! So you already have a heightened AWARENESS , FEED IT! For the Re-Connection is the SHIFT from thinking (anxiety) to AWARENESS (Joy!)

And that which IS your ANSWER ..... WANTS YOU TO FIND IT!

IT is subtle at first ...... but INSTANT Transformations occur which are not so Subtle but Amazing JOYFUL experiences ~

And if ready " A Course In Miracles " , though do not START unless you INTEND to FINNISH!

The ego does not like AWARENESS ....... because it CANNOT co-exist with it!

So it will bring forth ALL its DEFENSE MECHANISMS to try to get you to stop.

These are DIFFUSED by LOOKING AT IT and NOT believing egos Bull**** defenses (false thoughts of fear)!

Do not quit ~!
Be WILLING above all else !

Willingness is ALL you NEED to OPEN the Super-Conscious to Conscious CONNECTION.
PERSISTENCE is needed to make IT permanent ~
Daily Practice is needed to keep from forgetting!

Walk in Nature as often as you can ~ She holds the Divine Vibration at all times ~ Walk barefoot as oft as possible ~ The Earth Electrical Field is ATTUNED to the body and wearing rubber soles weakens our connection ~

Above ALL else remember : every thought is a CHOICE ..... Two fields of thoughts can be received ; One is Fear Based and collective ego ..... the other is Pure Blissful Joy (Unconditional Love) and IT IS DIVINE and IT IS ALSO YOU !

Be SILENT about this around those you know ..... as you will likely have no allies there ...... or if you do share with them what you are doing ..... know you may get some really nasty responses! That is their problem and ego defenses ...... JUDGE them NOT but learn to DISCERN the ego imposter from the Divine True Self ignited in only a few ~
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