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Old 07-07-2017, 05:29 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Much love Deepsoul:

Dear ones, you each carry within divine perfection and it is always by choice that you express that perfection; here indeed is your will given. As each being

expresses the highest good, every lesser desire falls away, for all is given fully and one has only to choose what is of the most loving desire when one truly has

everything; it is then the thought of lack falls away, it is discarded as it no longer fits the highest perspective that lacks nothing. The hearts desire then serves

the highest good with knowledge and understanding, for the highest good dwells within all being and waits only to be recognized. This is the true vision that

heals every distortion, for distortion is only a long held belief that one is separated from their highest good (or God). Dwell in the divine fullness and experience

the sweetness that is shared with all being. Lack is simply a refusal to accept your true nature which is pure light and love that is forever shared with

everything, for there is no deviation from the whole when one lives in divine knowledge. Dear ones, are you not tired of the games that pull you away from your

inner light? Have you not experienced enough suffering, which is created by a divided mind and heart? Here within, right now is the solution to every problem,

every question, always, the answer has been within. You need not wait, you are all divine creations made in perfection and that can never be taken from you.

A dream remains a dream until one shakes away the sleep of ages, and accepts the ever present truth that has always been. No one can convince you; each

must delve into the inner source and experience truth first hand and then the walls of deception crumble away, for indeed you ever have stood in the light.

Seeming fortune comes and goes but your true wealth has ever been within, nothing is divided from the whole, the whole is ever giving and receiving both, ever

a balance ever a harmony, ever a gift. Dear ones, freedom has always been within, for true freedom is recognizing your own connection to the whole and all

that it entails. Darkness only holds the power you give to it in delusion, but you are made of light and light is your true home where shadows have no

existence. Babaji
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