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Old 30-10-2019, 06:43 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Ian Haines

Then, by the same token, there is also, awaiting us, a Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Bo(o)geyman, the Jedi, the Abominal Snowman, the Loch Ness monster, etc.. The degree of existence, on the Astral plane/s would be proportional to the strength of belief of their existence, among what numbers of people, for what length of belief duration, with what faith intensity, I'd suspect. Some of them probably have a more powerful presence on the Astral plane/s than they will ever enjoy, over here! UFOnauts will be delighted, if that's true.

I fully believe, jokes aside, precisely what you said: "If billions of humans imagine a Christian Heaven then such a place will exist on the astral plane, shaped by human thought. So Christians with strong faith may find themselves in such a Heaven along with lots of other Christians."

I find it hard to imagine that boredom is anything more than a response to us, in human form, however. One thing I can happily announce is...unless I'm forced to, I'm never coming back to this hellhole of a planet!


I appreciate that you say these things in jest, but the difference between the heavens of various religions and e.g Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy is that no adults believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy whereas billions of adults over the centuries have firmly believed in some kind of heaven.

There may well exist astral thought-forms of Santa, sustained by the beliefs of children. If and when Santa Claus ceases to be part of our culture then these thought-forms will fade away.

As for the Abominable Snowman and the Loch Ness Monster, some people have reported encounters with such creatures, and despite the lack of physical evidence these creatures may exist. Who knows.

Perhaps boredom was the wrong word. Maybe dissatisfaction would be better. A Christian entering their astral Heaven may initially be overjoyed, but such a place is limited and sooner or later people may want something more.

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