Thread: Loss of money
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Old 21-06-2018, 08:42 AM
Tomma Tomma is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 380
Hi all, I just wanted to say how helpful it has been for me to hear all of your interpretations of the dreams I posted over the past weeks. I was able to look deeper inside of me and identify certain conditionings and behaviour, and come in contact with deeply buried emotions, mainly fear and insecurity. I believe a shift has taken place in me.

Two days ago I traveled to another city for a meeting (I mentioned this before). I was nervous to go. But although not all went smooth (the train was delayed, taxi driver cheated etc), I found myself very relaxed once I was on the way, dealing with the problems in a confident way, and in the end everything worked out and I was on time and got the papers I had come for. It felt really good. Situations/people that I would have expected to annoy me or worry me did not bother me much. I just went with the flow and, as I said, it all worked out

I'm gonna post a new dream in a minute ...
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