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Old 06-07-2012, 11:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by innerlight
It's not a sign of the last of days. This type of mentality has gone on for a loooong long time. Now, thanks to the internet and social media sites news articles get blown way out of proportion and exaggerated to be bigger then they are. To where people like to add one to them to make them fit a "prophecy" of some sort of make them have bigger meanings then what is already there.

There is now a collection for this woman that has amassed a half a million dollars for her to retire and go on vacation. Is that part of the last days as well?

The last of days will be the end of fear based dogmatic beliefs that use fear to control and dominate and will be the beginning of a time where love is embraced. Where people can be free from fear and control. Where people are able to step out of the shadows and chains of being sinners and evil and moving to a place of love and freedom.

Yeah, it does seem like every generation thinks that the end of world is nigh.... but this time we're right!

I liked what Innerlight said:
The last of days will be the end of fear based dogmatic beliefs that use fear to control and dominate and will be the beginning of a time where love is embraced. Where people can be free from fear and control. Where people are able to step out of the shadows and chains of being sinners and evil and moving to a place of love and freedom.

Why live in fear when you can live in love?
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