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Old 10-08-2017, 04:31 PM
Devinespirits Devinespirits is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 46
I have been practicing with the pendulum for a couple years now, and have been using tarot for about a year. Before I use one I always invite my spirit guides, angels, ancestors, spirit animals to help me. I also always say only positive light high vibration energies are allowed to help guide me with this reading and guide me with intuition. I always state that no negative evil low vibration energy is ever allowed during my practices, and they are never allowed to be around me or attach to me because I am protected by positive high vibration energy. It always works for me and I always feel safe and comforted by the higher power. If you ever have fear going into a reading do not continue. When I first started out I had a lot of fear and I knew something was off and not good, but I also didn't protect myself as well as I do today. My mother also bought a pendulum chart, and as soon as we receive it and looked at it we only got negative vibes from it and decided to get rid of it. Maybe get some dark colored crystals like black tourmaline, or onyx, those help with deminishing negative energies. Also clean your pendulum often, under the moon light, in salt water, you can also use other crystals as well to help clear them. I know that you had a negative experience and don't want to use a pendulum anymore, but I also had a negative experience but after some time away from the pendulum i learned more and more about it and now feel safe and confident when using one. Good luck to you, maybe try tarot it's fun and you really feel connected with your higher power. 🍀
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