Thread: Ghost Radar
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Old 22-07-2012, 03:36 AM
shadedragon shadedragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: New Jersey, USA
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The thing is, you are asking It questions, you aren't always asking the spirit itself questions. So what ever you get is most likely bc you did not ask the spirit who was talking. I've used this before, and here were a few questions I asked and their responses:
what are you? -dog
What is your gender? -girl
do you like cats? -kittens
What is the name of someone I will meet this week? -Sammy (which was dead on, but we call him Sam :)
what is that? -karma
what did I do wrong? -assist, fault
* burrowing (within a few minutes after it said this word we passed an area with lots of groundhogs.)
*careful, slow (up ahead of us their was construction going on.)
It's only a toy if you don't know how to understand or use it. I am still learning a lot, how to know who to talk to etc, but ultimately I enjoy it although not as much as a regular conversation with them :) it's normal when you just talk, but it's amusing when your trying to interpret one word.
all things in our reality are there because they are a reflection of us, as for the time in thiers, we are a reflection of them.
the moment you try to find self is the begning of a journey to discover it doesn't exist

Project Spirit has set up a energy channel for anyone who needs it. We have it touch down in each country, and net outwards in them. You can access energy from this channel simply by intending to tap into it. Pm me if you'd like more info.
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