Thread: colour therapy
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Old 07-10-2006, 02:05 PM
Posts: n/a
here's what that site says...


White (full color spectrum white color) contains the entire light spectrum. Thus it influences all systems of the body. This is the basis for light therapy. (Please refer to our section on light therapy for more details.)

White is strengthening. It is cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system. It promotes purity, virtue and spirituality.

White is nurturing; heals fevers, infections and pain; calms the heart, mind, nerves and emotions; and promotes vitality and supportive feelings.

White can awaken greater creativity. When in doubt as to what color to use, you can seldom go wrong with white.

It is beneficial to begin and end a color therapy session with white to stabilize the energy system of the individual and to give it an overall boost. It amplifies the effects of any other color used with it in a healing session.


If used in excess, white light causes passivity, lethargy, hypersensitivity, and inhibitions.