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Old 23-12-2019, 01:26 PM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
1. Take a closer look at this
7 of Cups + Ace of Pent rev. It's cool to have choices. There will be LOTS of small choices! Try to be savvy with the budget though :) In terms of non-monetary choices, it also looks like pursuing certain things means taking a pass on other things. Opportunities come and go (clarifier - Wheel of Fortune) so make sure you're really aware of what you take up, and what any potential costs are. Have a firm priority list so you're clear on what you're optimising for.

2. Don't worry so much about this
King of Cups + 7 of Swords rev
And after all that talk about deep thinking - this card is literally saying to me to avoid over-thinking! :) Don't worry too much about 'finding the man' or being a fully-enlightened human being. It's okay to be a work in progress at this time.

3. Beware of this danger
Queen of Wands rev. You may be tempted to second-guess yourself, and in particular, second-guess your sense of worth because you're going through a transition. Remember your worth.

4. Hold tight to this
The Tower rev + Empress rev. You're a strong lady. If things haven't worked out... remember that sometimes the universe has a way of really getting our attention. Consider that if things have been really challenging, it's because they've been DELIBERATELY challenging in a direct attempt to get you to change course. In a way, you haven't "failed"... you've simply finally got the message (I look at these and it makes me think of my recent decision to move). You're leaving a place so you can flourish much better somewhere else.

5. Learn to appreciate this
3 of Swords rev + 6 of Cups rev. Ah, pain. I reflected on this a lot the last few weeks. When you feel down - consider why. What is it you were missing? What jumps out to me in the 6 of Cups rev is that during those times where I felt alone and isolated, it was those tiny gestures of love from loved ones interstate that helped 'fill my cup'. I wouldn't have appreciated that anywhere near as much had I not had to go without for so long. It's made me a much more appreciative human being.

6. Stop pursuing this
Emperor rev + 2 of Pentacles rev
Ah yes - that raging desire to be ambitious and build empires and all that jazz. Too much on your plate right now. Baby steps first, toddler steps second :)

7. Seek this
The World. I KNOW. Time to get everything wrapped up, to get to that desired chain-free position, and literally, "tie it all up in a bow". I've got lots of decluttering to do this week and mental adjusting in preparation for the move :)
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