Thread: Why?
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Old 02-12-2018, 06:12 PM
Posts: n/a
I like the diamond story.
Then there is the seed that finds it's way to die in the earth to sprout to new life.While the seeds on the surface get ate.
Then there is a boy lets call him ME.Full of hit the wall hit it again kick it swear at it and keep banging it till bloody and bruised. Rest awhile wake back up must take down that wall hit hit bang bang. But then out of the blue SKY DADDY to the rescue!!!!! Cool said ME. I at last found my HOME I live and always have lived with my SKY DADDY. ME was just visiting that wall. But SKY DADDY turned ME around and gently place ME in front of that wall. HHHMMM ME said to myself. what shall I do I see things different I still sense my SKY DADDY. But gradually ME feel alone in my self. WAIT THE WALL hit hit bang bang even harder now that I know my HOME is with SKY DADDY!!!!
OOOHHH ME MAD AT SKY DADDY!!!!! I say to myself, self oh yeah, you too I, well don't forget ME. Anyway back to ME still mad at SKY DADDY!!! I'll find a way back to SKY DADDY but can't get through that dang WALL!!! years later ME thinking about some questions. myself answers ME. I thought I had a sky daddy. myself said ME who's your daddy? SKY DADDY ME said!!! Myself said I think if He was your daddy he would take you HOME. ME said yeah you cruel sky daddy, leave ME here all alone. ME not bang on wall ME just lay here under this rain cloud by my wall and die. ME make sky daddy take ME home.
ME wakes up wall still here ME still here, no sky daddy. ME myself and I all gather in a circle. We know sky daddy LOVES us. We felt it. It burnt love in us. Myself said I didn't feel it. ME said I, I think myself is against us. Lets kill him. I was sure SKY DADDY was real and LOVED him. So ME agreed that I should take over. I started to remember I am that I am. Hey wait a minute here, there has been some shady tricks going on here. I am connected to SKY DADDY. ME is just dirt and does what he's told. And myself he has been listening to a trickster daddy and they built that wall. HEY I AM PUTTING A STOP TO ALL this.
I AM part of SKY DADDY I feel him. ME, SHUT UP fix that wall and plant some flowers. Myself, with SKY DADDY'S help I and HIM are going to dismantle you for good and kick out trickster daddy. I will make ME, SKY DADDY,S HOME.
Moral of the ME story:
Know SKY DADDY is ME,myself and I's HOME
and tell myself who's your daddy.

You thought you had it hard.
Hope you feel better. Just some light hearted fun. ME Love SKY DADDY with SKY DADDY LOVE !!
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