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Old 18-10-2011, 08:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Synchronistic Events, year 2008

the time frame is MARCH / APRIL 2008:

a massive TILT (lots of vertigo)
an extreme compression of atmosphere (sky seemed so low, appeared as if i could reach up and touch the "roof" / "ceiling")
an intense WINDING of energy; TENSION

what i was experiencing at that time i truly believe to have been an ACUTE global / environmental, synchronistic "phenomenon". VERY intense and active. very, very.

i had an amazing car accident. basically, i was behind the wheel and suddenly became INCREDIBLY MAGNETIZED. my arms "stuck" to my lap / legs. i struggled for the wheel. i had to pull / yank my arms off my lap / legs. my vision field began to "suck inward". vehicle approached an intersection where everything just seemed to "suck inside of me" and then BOOM, explode outward (almost instantaneously). i was very conscious the entire time. i thought (at the time), "i'm dying, right now". i remember "letting go" just as the vision field began to "suck inward". i don't know what the BURST or "outward explosion" was.

i believe it was some sort of kinetic energy (things that lead up to the accident). i ended up getting on the highway and drove for approximately 3 hours with NO gasoline in the tank (running on that pure energy). i ended up crashing and survived, again. one of the wildest, most extreme days of my life.

anyhow, i fully believe that the time period of march / april 2008 was "unified" and SHARED. another one (i will discuss upon request) was december of 2005.

anyone remember any specific about spring, 2008? i'm real curious.
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