Thread: Cancer
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Old 17-07-2011, 04:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by earthy
Can i ask you what your diet is on a typical day? .........which helps prevent and even fight cancer. Use only unprocessed sea salt. Sunshine, vitamin D, has just been recognized as an important cancer inhibitor... please get plenty of sunshine everyday (without the chemical laden sunscreen).......


The only thing I would question in all of your suggestions, and they are good ones, is the sea salt. That is one area where you at least should look for iodized sea salt because a lack of iodine can cause thyroid problems. Once upon a time, there was enough iodine in the soil that I think veggies either absorbed it or it was on the outsides of the root plants and they were washed so thoroughly as they are now. You don't need a lot of iodine, but the little you need is critical to a healthy thyroid.
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