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Old 03-09-2016, 04:33 PM
SerpentSun SerpentSun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ozarks/Shawnee Hills, United States
Posts: 425
@The Necromancer
I think I get what you mean. People hating you until they need your help. As nice and caring as I tried to be, people always just seem unsettled by me until they want my aid or advice. A few friends in high school said I had "strong energy", but I thought they were crackpots at the time. I always thought my geekiness and hippie ways bothered people haha.

I read something about getting bit by snakes. My Earthly body never got bit, but I had the most absolutely disturbingly vivid dream of a timber rattlesnake bite. Even experienced symptoms I didn't know about until I researched it afterward. And is there some kind of association between shamanism, witchcraft, and fire....? Sometimes this stuff can be so confusing.

But acknowledging that I'm "something" does take a weight off my chest. I do often wish I was just "normal", but I simply ain't. So it helps believing my challenges are to make me stronger. Maybe someday I'll be strong enough to help others.
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