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Old 15-10-2010, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Jules
Hallelujah. Well said Greenslade. I wouldn't be who I am today had it not been for the experiences I've had throughout my life. I wouldn't be who I am had I not had the accident that 'awakened' me, or my ex hubby leaving, all the health problems I have, all the trauma .. but you know what? I don't regret one thing .. they are all apart of who I am.
Every decision we make is perfect in that moment, so there are no bad choices, yes the outcome may seem negative, but you can guarantee that at some point the positives will appear.
Thank you, Jules.

I believe that experience makes us who and what we are - if we had gone through different experiences we would be very different people. Through all the good times and the bad, when you come out the other side and look the Universe in the eye to say "I'm still here and comfortable with the person I am. So what's next?" That about says it all for anyone.

Mac, that's a sad tale, and sometimes I wish I had a magic wand. All any of us can do is Honour the Path a particular Soul has chosen. However, from my perspective there's one factor you haven't taken into account - people. If you took a dozen people from there forums and put them in the same situation, you would find a dozen different outcomes. Everyone is different and there's a host of factors that can make the difference in that particular situation - a very simplified version of what 7luminaries is saying.

Originally Posted by shepherd
I used to believe that we had a certain time and date when we were due to pass over but now I realise that the belief just makes us feel better and gives us a reason as to why people die when they do. If this belief was true then people who die of cancer from smoking for example were fated then to die that way and therefore fated to smoke. It doesnt ring true really.

Whilst we wonder how, when or why we will die, would could live life the best way we know how until that moment when it happensas it really could be at any time.
People are going to die, It's Life as we know it. When your time is up there isn't much to stop it. Smoking or not is a choice, so the dying of cancer is the result of that choice. If that person had chosen not to smoke, perhaps they might have been run over by a bus. It's not the dying that's in question but the how.

Umm, might I suggest a stepping back and a catching of the breath here? It might be just my perception but I sense the energies in this thread are a little off the charts. :-)
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