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Old 01-06-2011, 03:39 PM
Posts: n/a
oh my yes neville... and fight fire breathing dragons... run barefoot with the wolves.... and flyyyyy... its another lifetime within a lifetime... an adventure within the adventure... at lucid you get to participate rather than just be a bean bag bouncing around in your subconscious...

this was my first significant lucid dream... (you can skip this part if you like)

i was in the mountains and i came upon a place where everyone was camping... they were running about like crazy, missing each other by inches... but i also noticed... they all thought they were alone in the dream... this is the dream pool...

i wondered over to a house and went in, then thought 'oh my, this is private property' and rushed out... there was a spirit sitting on the ground outside and he looked up and said 'this is my place'... and motioned to the whole dreamscape...

i looked over the scene of hurried dreamers and said 'its kinda'... and i stopped... i was going to say 'crowded'... but i paused and said 'noisy... isnt it'... well he just jumped up and stood before me with a huge beaming spirit smile just radiating out from him... i thought he was going to kiss me... and i awoke... it may not seem like much, but i had just made my first 'conscious' thought/decision in a dream...

and the rest, as they say... is history...
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