Thread: Cryptocurrency
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Old 24-08-2017, 09:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Well, you're certainly right about banks and their power. Most of them are crooks anyway propped up by the state in one way or another if not regulatory through the setting of interest rates, bailouts, manipulations. The financial crash of 2007/8 should have taught governments lessons! But did it? Not one bit. Regulators were quick to say "Yeah, those practices were bad......but they weren't illegal."

And so the cycle starts again - 2016. We don't call them CDOs any more. Now they're CLOs, same, only as good as the security that backs them!

It's in situations like what appears on a horizon soon to close in, that the cryptos will win. They aren't part of the casino. Fromm a spiritual viewpoint it's timely that the conduits of money/energy exchange were removed from the hands of the banks.

Edit: I responded to a topic yesterday way down the bottom drawing on the idea of "necessary evil" of religions and how they've reached through society generally. Perhaps the world financial system as is, is the main conduit of the evil.

Last edited by Lorelyen : 24-08-2017 at 10:56 AM.