Thread: Lies
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:17 PM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 2,345

The lies, lies people tell to themselves about their relationship. Why do people lie?

Why do people not see they do it, yet others do?

Why do they delude themself, take another for granted, play others for fools and continue to lie to themselves and others involved.

Why are they even here?

lessons? then when will they learn? When they screww over 20 more people? When they get 'caught' out?

I don't like liars. Especially when in return they demand and expect truth. Same rules never apply to them.

Why are people so twisted that they use other people to avoid their life issues. personal issues. why cant they deal with their own self? Expect others to deal with them though?

Why are they so full of ego it needs constant rubbing because one thing is not enough. Unsatisfied liars cant have another be the cure. their disatsifaction will never be filled in by another. its deep in their own self. searchng for a reflection that makes them feel better.

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