Thread: Medium
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Old 27-03-2018, 11:24 PM
Stella Stella is offline
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Posts: 15

Do you think this counts as mediumship, or can you tell me what happened.

Someone I work with, I am constantly worried about him but would never tell him this.

I think we exchanged energies via all our chakras because I felt like I had an orgasm at each once at some point, when I was close where he was sitting.

One day after I helped him with something at work, for some strange reason I lit a candle before I went to bed and then the next morning, I heard a voice start telling me they were sorry to bother me, and that this guy would kill himself and I should teach him how to feel the warmth of his heart.

So I did a meditation around it, because the thought of that, really worried me. It was so weird because it was like I was being guided and then, the next day I was told to let him go, and again that felt like I was being guided.

After that I feel like I can feel his heart all the time when he is standing close to me - i feel when he is angry with me, or if he hates me, and if I do something nice for him; there is always this energy between us always, but the worst feeling in the world for me , is that I get really worried about him and I don't like it because it makes me feel really unhealthy and worried because of what happened in my room.

I start to feel paranoid and extreme anxiety and if I don't see him for a bit I start to think something bad happened to him. Why/what can I do to make this stop?
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