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Old 04-10-2018, 01:24 AM
Dravak Dravak is offline
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Posts: 8
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Maybe those that don't come back remembering anything ...don't need to have an NDE? *shrug*

Maybe that goes for everybody everywhere?

I am a huge reader of NDEs for decades.

Maybe I can explain it this way.

NDE is a safety mechanic, infact those who come back are usually sent back with a purpose. when they done that purpose, most usually want to go back to the light. or live their remainder of their live always missing something.

But that purpose is different for each and every one. I already did my purpose by preventing two pivots in time that could lead to nuclear war.

I overstepped my bounderies by preventing a Civil War that should have happened. cause of human compassion.
Thus the system kept me in place when I should have been replaced,
Thus am living like a human analytical computer for the system.

Slowly I am not liking the all knowing knowledge. cause everything has a price. the price is quite high.

Now why does some people have NDE and others Don´t.
Cause somehow those people with NDE usually setup something for another person. without them even realising it.

A website A book a Conference. right words at the right time trigger something in another person.
It is the same theory that is used for Advance Networking theory.
That networking helps, positive attitude helps. let them feel the positive flow Bla Bla bla.

Or Scammers with Charms will use to win your trust.
Or what the military use for Psyops. but NDEer are more advanced in those area´s

Cause to them the things comes naturally they have what society would call hightened intuition and charm.
They radiate something special that sets them apart. even if at first glance they don´t look special.

Same reason you are asking me this question. cause you somehow knew I would answer.
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