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Old 04-08-2011, 06:32 PM
Council Of Nine
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by KayBe
i consider einstein's thought experiments inaccurate in concern to time travel: the idea that light never encounters resistance therefore travels at absolute speed, & faster travel means traveling backwards in time.

light was a constant with einstein, more modern science has validated it can be slowed down during temperature extremes.

thought experiments are a form of philosophy.

I don't think time travel is real. I suspect events can be revisited internally, & that's it

Time travel is very real, and has been experimented with by the US with success, but they can not seem to get past 2012..????
Time is not relevant, as is proposed, it is simultaneous if viewed from time/space, we exist in space/time.
To simplify things, just think of an exercise book with lines ruled through it and each is a time line, you are looking down on it and can literally pick which time line you would like to go to.
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