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Old 09-10-2018, 05:06 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527
I wish I could give you a straight-forward answer as to what you're experiencing, but I can tell you you are not alone, and you're not strange! Similar things have happened to me, mostly in a dream (which I've come to learn are more like visits rather than dreams). Most of the time it will be people I know that have passed on, friends or family. Other times it's people I don't know directly, more like a friend of a friend or relative of a friend.

For example, in one of these dreams I saw a man very happy who without saying a word somehow telepathically communicated to me his name was Michael. Then an old boss of mine appeared in this dream, really happy to see "Michael". I hadn't worked for this boss in over 20 years, so it was strange I dreamt of her, and had no clue who this Michael was and why I dreamt of them together. Several months later I was chatting with a local psychic/medium/healer and told her of my abilities, and shared this dream with her. Turned out that she is friends with my old boss, and knew exactly who "Michael" was to her...her first true love who had suddenly died before they were to marry. It still mystifies me how and why Michael came into MY dream, but eventually months later I met this woman who was able to share my dream with my old boss, perhaps it brought her comfort.

Anyway, it seems to me we both have mediumship abilities along with precognition or the ability to see future events. I've also had some precognition. The way you feel what these people felt particularly around certain dates of importance in their lives tells me they are communicating with you. As to why, I'm not sure, unless you are somehow connected to these public figures through friends in order to share the messages you're receiving (maybe someone else on here can comment as to why?).

If this is driving you insane, I'd suggest learning more about mediumship. There can be ways to turn this ability on and off, some of these techniques work and some don't . It's worth looking into though to learn more about these abilities. I found a supportive group in my area that meets to discuss these abilities, perhaps you can find similar workshops in your area? I'm no expert in this arena, as I too am just uncovering some of these abilities.
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