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Old 05-08-2016, 11:48 PM
Andrew Cannata Andrew Cannata is offline
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Originally Posted by Burntfruit
I have read a little, that those who kill, commit great crimes, are held in isolation.

I heard the dead Nazis were mortified on the other side.

One holocaust survivor said that it was better to be a survivor than a Nazi given what happened after death.

Now we have Daesh, etc. What happens to them?

21 virgins?

Hi! This is quite an interesting question. The death process is highly individualized, and those who die with strong convictions about the nature of the afterlife--i.e. fundamentalists--often find themselves in what are known as "hollow heavens" after death. Hollow heavens are essentially make-believe areas of the afterlife that are built to conform with our preexisting beliefs. My guess is that terrorists, if they truly believe in the radicalism they preach, would wind up in places like these, at least until they can be convinced that their beliefs were misguided.

(However, those who don't necessarily believe fundamentalist principles, but who use those ideas to excuse their terrorist actions, will likely not enter such a make-believe realm. They may find themselves trapped in the outer darkness, which is where the nastiest people often wind up. Either way, one is never condemned to any particular fate in the afterlife, except by one's own self-judgement--and nothing is permanent; spiritual progress is the eventual birthright of all.)

Once such people are able to enter the objectively-real Summerland, they will have to undergo the life-review process, and will be made to see the effects of their actions. They will eventually have to forgive themselves for the horrible deeds they committed during their earth lives. Eventually, that will be possible for them, and they will begin to make progress. Some former terrorists may need to reincarnate in order to relearn the lessons they failed on earth--but even the most wretched, misguided spirits will eventually become advanced and loving beings.
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