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Old 30-08-2012, 01:13 AM
Posts: n/a
I'd meditate on it or do whatever you do to help get guidance.

It may be that you are to be you this lifetime but bring forth your knowledge of the Lakota in some sort of outreach program.

I'm never good at advice but maybe what I'm going through might help. I know I've been a soldier in many lifetimes. This time I am not by far. I was drawn to the military growing up. Had flashbacks etc. When I was your age I was still gung ho military going to be a soldier. I was still that way for a couple years in my 20s. Then something shifted.

I manage the grunts of an IT group. If I told people I was a soldier today deep down I'd get laughed at (out of shape geeky person). But, I still am a soldier to a certain extent. I just applied what I know to my current situation. How to handle high stress, how to make the best plan of attack for a situation etc.

Not sure if that helps at all.
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