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Old 04-01-2016, 12:59 PM
cress cress is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 99
Well.. as far as i know, EFT supposed to be using affirmative sentences. Here is the template i use (pardon my english, i found it hard to translated, but here it is) :

Even though i feel (fill with reasons you have to the problem, the more the merrier) and everything connected to (the problems, the main problem), i accept and respect my self as a whole and decide to release all this negative emotions now and as a whole, for my own good and progress.

as for relationship, here's the example..

Even though i feel i am not worth having a girlfriend out of shame, fear, bad looking, fat, smelly, and everything connected to having a girlfriend, i accept and respect my self as a whole and decide to release all this negative emotions now and as a whole, for my own good and progress.

There's some other way doing it too (different affirmation each tapping place) but i feel this one nicely fit.

But please do note that EFT doesn't work for future problems. If you're doing EFT today and feel good, it doesn't mean you'd still feel good the next day when a person telling you you're not worth. Do EFT again until you release all the problems, and wise enough to not let it hurt you again.

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