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Old 15-12-2015, 05:35 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, find a place of balance where the inner and outer are at peace in your own being. In truth, there is only perfect peace, it reigns within and when the

beauty of the inner is realized there is nothing out of balance. Correction is of the lower mind and its projections. The heart space does not judge, it holds all

as unique and beneficial, for it knows only love and the true nature of all life. Here one dwells in peace because the heart space is not regulated by belief or the

past, its place is one of acceptance, once polished and cleansed with bountiful love. When one looks at the body and fully understands how all the parts are

integral and work together as a unit; it will reveal the workings of the universal body which is also connected to all that exists within it. Is the body not an

extension of the universal body, and thus created in perfection? It is but the lower ego mind that created distinction and separation but the universal mind and

heart is purity and balance and it holds every part of itself as dear. So then, are all required to learn this ever so important lesson and hold dear all aspects of

creation. One purified, sees only connection and the eyes of the body are superseded by the eye of the soul, which cannot comprehend separation or duality;

its' eye is the spiritual eye of truth and thus knows all as dear. Therefore dear ones, realize that all contradiction is of the split mind or ego. This is only a

construct that vanishes with wisdom. It is temporary, finite, so be clear in this and do not take too seriously the outer construct but rather nurture the inner

divine that supports and guides one in the ways of the divine. All is housed in glory if correctly seen, all is resplendent with light when fully realized. All is

glorified in all of its seeming parts. Light is revealed in geometries vast; and the will of the divine is perfection behind all life ever unfolding and expanding. Let

the seed of light within be nurtured and fed with love so it is given the opportunity to grow and reveal its own perfect pattern. If all is created with light of

divine essence then can any one part outshine any other part? Contemplate any part of the divine and your true essence is also revealed It is hidden only by a

desire to be separate or special but in truth dear ones, all are equal in the divine eye. When one is present and situated in the now, the miraculous reveals itself

in each moment. It has always been available to those who break beyond the little self or ego. It is in truth only hidden by unwillingness to see with clarity.

The season of truth is here and has always been here, now; yet it awaits inner purification to be revealed, as each seeming part chooses reality and eschews the

false, another aspect is revealed, another glimpse is realized, another avenue is unblocked, another way of seeing unfolds. Babaji
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