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Old 20-10-2017, 05:31 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by CrystalSong
Interestingly enough the Self-Love Crystal Array is the one people's Higher Selves most choose for them to have. I've seen remarkable results from it. Sometimes we do the work, heal vast amounts inside and come into new understandings with ourselves but still stay stuck in out dated energies. This array seems to clear those out dated energies out. I've been agog watching the changes in people afterwards! So maybe some energy work around Self-love would be beneficial.

I do highly recommend getting out more, a job, or maybe volunteering somewhere as a Candy striper, with a animal rescue, with children, or Habitat for Humanity - Something! Being a Stay-at-home person is a plateau, just a holding still pattern, little new information or character forming happening. Which is fine when we become elderly, but isn't useful when we're younger and as you said - it stunts what you have to talk about and share and even relate to with another, and stops you from developing new abilities, understanding and inner personal development.

As frustrating as it can be at times - we humans evolve and grow exponentially under challenge. It is a huge growth engine for us, whereas playing it safe and not exposing our self to challenge and new things has the opposite effect and is almost a mechanism for de-volving.
So rejoin life, get out there a mix, find something to commit to and do it until it's no longer interesting and challenging, then find something else to delve into and explore and learn from. :)
It is almost impossible for me to work due to a neck injury. That's the reason I am at home, it's not my choice, I have little choice in the matter.
But I've already turned around that belief about 'a job makes you interesting', as it's not true. It can help, yes, but it ain't a default.
In many ways I have much more to offer and I go through much more personal growth than someone who does work because I have the freedom, time and energy to do this.
When I was still working I'd often planned to do such things, but when I got home I wanted to just chill, then there was cooking, household, children, and so on. I just didn't get around to it, or not nearly as much as when not employed.
Apart from that, having a job doesn't necessarily make you more interesting. You don't talk about work unless something special has happened. Plus, most people are stuck in jobs that don't really make them happy. I mean, ask 100 people if they would still do that job if they didn't need it to make a living and I'm quite certain 99% would answer "no way!"

The advantage you have when employed is that can you get recognition and appreciation, but even that isn't guaranteed, as many employed people feel under-appreciated for never ever getting that.

I have to seek other sources for appreciation and recognition, and I feel I am succeeding at that. Maybe even more so than an employed person who is being taken for granted by their employer.
As for standing still... I don't stand still, I actually learn much more than when employed. I got so much time to explore, share, read, and so on.
In that sense I often felt employment held me back, because I simply lacked time to do all these things (I have a great many interests!)
So all in all, not too bad. Okay, I have little money to spend, that is a major drawback.

The man in my life doesn't feel I am uninteresting or boring, on the contrary. Yes, I said in my OP I had this fear he would, but I'd already worked out that he wouldn't still be with me for over a year if he felt that way. He's like me, inquisitive mind, needs food for thought and so on. I am perfectly able to give him that. And just now I talked to him about it, which was good :)

I feel a lot better about it, and glad to be able to turn that 'a job is so important' thing around to appreciating what I have, what I do, what I have to offer, which is a heck of a lot! Also one of the reasons he fell for me, even though I hadn't been employed for 6 years when I met him.

The last few days certainly have been quite eventful! I've been going through quite some changes. I feel so much stronger, and I feel I am well on my way to loving my Self more.

You guys sure help! And Abraham Hicks clips add to that :) Now I got to keep it going, hihi.

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