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Old 28-11-2011, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by donnnn1
George is a devout Catholic but im worried his gift which has helped so many people is the work of the devil or demons.

Is this claim by fundamentalist Christians true or false?

That is the claim that is made time and time again with these matters.

The truth is that I don't think anybody on earth can say 100% one way or the another if it is the truth or not. It's up to you to study and examine all the evidence presented to you, and decide for yourself what you believe.

I'm facing a similar dilemma myself just now, in that I've experienced spirit activity in my house for the past five or six years. Of course, fundamentalists will tell me that it must be a demon. The problem I have with that, is, using the brain that God gave me, I can see no reason or sense whatsoever why a supposed "demon" should spend six years visiting boring little me, in my boring little semi, in a boring little suburb, with my very ordinary little family - for what? To try to turn me over to some "dark side", away from God, to induce me to worship "Satan", or whatever? When I consider it that way, it just seems so ludicrous. My visiting spirit has only ever been playful and completely harmless, and I've never felt any threat - if anything now, I actually start missing my wee "ghostie" (my familiar term for my visiting entity) when I don't get any activity for a while. That may sound daft, but it's better than feeling threatened, I reckon.

Likewise, I think you have decide for yourself what makes sense to you, and what doesn't - and stop worrying about that which doesn't.

Good luck in working it out - I'm still getting there myself.
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