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Old 10-09-2017, 02:29 PM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Originally Posted by baro-san
Thanks. Your feelings of love describe very much what I was feeling during that obe. At the time, I was just in that present, I had no thought about anything else. In my case, there was a being radiating that love. I just laid down by her side absolutely happy and carefree.

Differently from you, I don't believe that trying to practice "unconditional love" here, in physical, is what we're supposed to learn or do, because of the karmic implications.

You're welcome, baro-san, but I guess I'm not being clear on my thoughts on unconditional love. I'm not sure that we're supposed to learn or do it. I like to say this 'plane' is like "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". This existence just is what we make it. It isn't the reality of existence, because it isn't eternal. If there are lessons, those lessons apply to this 'plane' and not that plane of reality of existence where there is no punishment for not practicing unconditional love. I do think humankind will come to a point when we realize the importance of it...we just haven't gotten there yet, but I think we may be at the dawn of it. It's an evolution...but not of the spirit (the spirit already knows), but in experiencing this plane. I experienced that feeling of love, you experienced it, and so have many others who've had NDEs or OBEs...that was in that place of reality of existence, free of the ego.
Lol...hope that makes sense...!
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