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Old 31-10-2011, 03:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by DevilishAngel
Time is an illusion like many here have said. Not linear anything. If everything is just "there" than our future must be set in stone. No? Cause taking this idea that would also mean that our past isn't set in stone.
I honestly believe that people who say its not set in stone do it to ease their minds and make them feel in control. But its not like we read a book and know whats going to happen. Believing that everything that happens happens for a reasons shouldn't stop someone from purposing what they want with all their might!
Anyway, its just seems that because time doesn't exist and everything just "is" there cannot be a way to change what will happen.

Time is an illusion. An illusion to the conscious mind. Only through the superconscious mind (or christ conciousness) can we truely understand this. You will not be able to comprehend this thought as long as youre in a physical body.

Also, everything does happen for a reason but we do have the power to do what we want. Its never set in stone. The power of the will of man (not human) is the greatest force in the universe. We have a choice to change our "fate"
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