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Old 07-03-2018, 12:05 AM
mea_a mea_a is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by Lighthousekeeper

For instance - snow is purifying. So it's no accident Russia kindly blew us some of their snow and wind. This country needed a bit of spiritual cleansing a "springclean" if you like?!
Now that it's over, we're ready to enjoy the rest of Spring and Summer which will be pleasant for us all - think positive with me here, folks!

So true, I take it as a flow of purifying Shamantic energy from Lake Bajkal.

Ants:))) Happy to meet more ants' lovers. I've been a keen observer since I was a child. The thing that was the most amazing was their Flying Day. As I couldn't understand that they were growing their own wings, was imagining they had a special chamber full of wings and were attaching them when it was time to fly;)
But its so astounding that creatures so well organized are capable of this divine dance in the sky.
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