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Old 26-02-2018, 08:01 PM
olhosdeamendoa olhosdeamendoa is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 296
Originally Posted by Nature Grows
Maybe, you know what, once on this website i was talking to some lady who has multiple partners, ummm what is that called again? anyway she said if her partner says they have feelings for another person or she does they tell each other and talk about it instead of suppressing, dismissing it and hiding it, they look at it, there is no judgement involved as in it's bad, and they just discuss what to do about this if anything, she said sometimes talking about it was enough, it was just more to acknowledge what is arising honestly.

I still remember that convo with her, it's some where on this website.

There is also a three way couple i know of in real life, two women, one man and they have three kids. They live out in the forest together and have a cool house, growing food and stuff.

Doesn't seem to be the case of the OP in this thread.
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