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Old 21-07-2014, 10:37 AM
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Precisely Elisi, Jesus taught Prayer and Meditation of God through The Our Father Prayer that God gave Jesus and mankind, to fast days at a time including the forty days and nights (which blocks satan and its evil demons), while opening their hearts to God The Most High after repentance of sins each time.

These are some of the ways in which God The Most High taught Jesus and Jesus taught to make the Sign of The Cross, pray and meditate on Him/Jesus and His Sorrowful Stations of His Cross while repenting sins, including receiving "His Blessed Sacraments of Love" that include:


Confession - repentance of sins from the heart

Receiving His Blessed Host - His Flesh and Blood weekly on the Sabbath and at other times in order to receive His Loving Blessings, Gifts and Graces not only during our lives here - 'eternally for our soul good'.

"Do this in Remembrance of Me" included.

Kindest wishes
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