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Old 04-03-2018, 12:25 AM
davidmartin davidmartin is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1,082
Bubbles hope you get back your mojo again. you're not the first or the last this happens to, I'm one of them as well
You're feeling so bad is really proof of your desire to attain to him, what would be bad is if you weren't feeling bad.
It really is just like a relationship
But every wise person has always said He is always waiting there with out stretched arms, to receive you, not just back again, but more fully than ever, to the extent that you wish for
I would just send feelings of love toward him and not worry about praying long prayers just lots of short and sweet ones
If you feel things are going better again, you know you don't need to worry because he is holding you
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