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Old 02-06-2012, 02:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by coolchic101
Ok I keep seeing images of different people who passed but before they cross over, they stay around and look at themselves in their coffin and look at how their funeral is. No one can see them not even their loved ones.
It seems like they are standing next to their coffins trying to tell their loved ones that they are not dead but they are ALIVE and are so disappointed when no one can see or hear them. A few feet away is the tunnel or bright light where they can choose to make the transition.

I've also been told that when children pass, most of them immediately cross over but they do not see the bright light or tunnel and they do not stay for their funeral. They see a footbridge at a park, instead, which is more child friendly and not scary like the bright light/tunnel. And babies are carried over by loved ones or spiritual helpers.

It is the adults who tend to linger around and stay for their funeral. Trying to get some closure for the end of their life.

What do you think?

How are you seeing images of what I bolded? Are you attending funerals and actually seeing this? Also, have you literally seen children crossing bridges outdoors and then disappearing and have you seen babies being carried away?
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