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Old 03-11-2011, 02:28 PM
slave of Allaah
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by donnnn1
Fundamentalist Christians have really messed my head up big time. Im am worried about going to hell and have a sickening fear of death.

They have also told me that Jesus will come and send all other religions to Hell.

I hate this fear, is Christianity and the bible the only real truth?

I believe those who respect/bow down for the Truth and die as such will go to Paradise regardless of their religion.

But if I follow the Truth just because it happened to be with my people or to show off therewith and have fame, I would go to Hell regardless of my appearance and claim.

The Truth doesn't accept partners to Itself. Either I accept the Truth because It is that It is, or I will be ignored and rejected.

I have had hard times with my family because of the Truth (and I realized the sad result that we are muslims by name only, not real ones), but I have reached more peace when I isolated myself to be alone most of the time (eventhough I am living with my family and going to the Masjed 5 times/day, but my 90% mode is "alone with myself").

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