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Old 06-08-2006, 12:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Without a doubt - - each and every individual Soul is "composed" of the same exact spiritual essence / energy. Each - - is equal. The only difference is in the degree of realization and what we do / how we live that realization.

The whole concept of "oneness" is vital - - unquestionably. But as with all aspects of the Path - - there is a balance to in in the livingness of it.

Suppose each atom in the Ocean had the capability of finally determining that it was a viable, individual drop. NOT - - separate. NOT - - apart. But individual. Would the next step to that discovery be to launch back into the Ocean and just meld back into it ?? Would one wish to discover their individuality only to give it up again ??

Yes - - there is an aspect of this. A lot of this has to do with Service to Life. But still - - Soul must learn to live in both worlds. Here - - and in the Pure Worlds of God - - at the same time. So - - one must learn to live as melded back into the whole - - but also as an individual. As a microcosm and a macrocosm.

So many people view "all is one" as some kind of end result to it all.

That would make the Path way too easy.