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Old 16-09-2018, 03:01 AM
Taneli Taneli is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 24
In past, when I had faith in God, that He is the Creator of Life, I used this prayer. Pretty nice still. It was the time when God's satanic spirits made attacks on me. Occasionally, powerful angelic spirit (I'm pretty sure Michael) came to protect me, but not every time. It's pretty sad what happened to archangel Raphael, he/she (I'm not sure is Raphael masculine or feminine) kind of fell in desperate, lost faith in life.

e: There's no angels anymore, not even those who protect and heal little children. They've all been kind of separated to different "dimension", to perceive different view of world what we are perceiving. I always liked angels, especially the younger ones. But they're not necessary in real life, and their judgement will be merciful, so don't worry.
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