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Old 20-06-2013, 10:33 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Clinical applied science angle coming in :)

"Happy chemicals" (endorphins, serotonin etc) will be released when you do anything you enjoy in addition to physical exercise. You will stick to an exercise when it's appropriate for your needs and preferences. You will reap the greatest benefits when you stick with something for a long period of time.

My suggestion, if you don't like the high intensity stuff, is just go for walks. Find a book you enjoy and read a chapter in a park. Then, walk around the park a few times, or walk to a different park. Repeat. Even incidental exercise can be very powerful... fresh air can do wonders.

I've struggled with down moments this year as well, and I find walking along the beach to be a wonderful experience because it's so sensory. There's the water washing over my feet (I walk barefoot in the surf). The wind is usually blowing, the sun's around somewhere, there's a smell of brine in the air, and the sound of waves hitting the shore. I might find it difficult to "get out of my head" sometimes, but never at the beach :) And if I can't find a beach, somewhere with a fountain, pond, or lake is a good second choice - or even just a really nice park. Go take some photos or draw some pictures :)
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