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Old 18-08-2017, 12:44 PM
lauterb lauterb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 180
Dear TechnicGeek

Each person has a reincarnation plan for its life! Lessons to learn, debits to pay, redeem from past mistakes etc.
Organ donation is charitable attitude, but not be de the main purpose for your life!

Imagine that the dificulties other people are facing is not for free, they are also in the same evolutionary process as above mentioned.

If comes from genetic disease, it is from past lives. If was acquired on this life, for instance pulmonary disease from smoking obvious is from this life but it was his/her choice.

You reduce you life just to help other is noble, but spirits will have to weight the real intention (and they will know) you loose some life time (your life is precious) to extend otherĀ“s life time.

Pse take a look from The Spirit's Book from Allan Kardec what the spirits answered to question 951:

951. Is not the sacrifice of one's life meritorious when it is made in order to save the lives of others, or to be useful to them?
"Incurred for such an end, it is sublime ; but such a voluntary sacrifice of life is not suicide. It is the useless sacrifice that is displeasing to God, and also that which is tarnished by pride. A sacrifice is only meritorious when disinterested; if accomplished in view of a selfish end, its value is proportionally lessened in the sight of God." Every sacrifice of our interest or enjoyment made for the sake of others is supremely meritorious in the sight of God for it is the fulfilling of the law of charity. Life being. of all earthly possessions, the one to which men attach the greatest value, he who renounces it for the good of his fellow-creatures does not commit a crime he accomplishes a sacrifice. But, before accomplishing it, he should consider whether his life might not be more useful than his death.

You can freely download at internet in pdf file Allan Kardec books

Good study!
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