Thread: Reincarnation
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Old 06-04-2011, 04:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LightFilledHeart
You make the mistake of many cloaked in human meat-suits. Just because you cannot "speak" animal, you assume they are somehow less conscious and beneath us in spiritual development. You could not be more wrong, but far be it from me to tarnish your illusion of superiority by shedding the light of truth on it

i never mentioned superior

is that the peacock in you that is speaking or the bull or the donkey ?

you just dont understand what i did say it seems

why are you so offended

we have all the animal attributes within us , that well up from the subconsciuos sometimes when we are off our gaurd,,

i'm not offending any animal , how could I

you should know better..

there are beings on other worlds etc that are far above us humans in spiritual development.
i'm not offended by that., ...

it only shows that we humans have a long way to go on the path of unfoldment , we have only progressed a little further than out brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom
most of whom function still on the plane of instinct - think on this

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