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Old 21-11-2013, 07:03 PM
Morpheus Morpheus is offline
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Is this world our home?

Statement's about Time, and Timelessness, in the NDE.

"I felt and experienced all of creation as an omni-experience, there was no time involved at any level. I saw it is so simple it cannot be expressed, it is best to let the mind be still and then it may occur of itself. It was such a feeling of raised joy
I was in, and in the distance a Great Presence appeared which is the most Ultimate of Holiness emanating extraordinary Brilliance!

This Great Presence is the Heart of all of everything..and we are but foolish children!

I put my arms out to try to fly and saw that they were rainbows of colors I was a rainbow being..I was made of light and color I was overjoyed!
I thought I can fly to the Great Presence before me and unite with the purity of all that is was and ever shall be..
That was my hearts desire, to be at one with the Great Presence which 'they' call God, and yet I dare not announce a name to that which is beyond naming."

Endeavor to avoid, "Inurement" to this temporary world. And, slavery. Some believe that doing anything that they want "here", is "freedom". Their reasoning is inverted, and they decieve themselves.
"I believe there are two sides to the phenomena known as death. This side where we live, and the other side, where we shall continue to live.
Eternity does not start with death.
We are in eternity now." - Norman Vincent Peale

"There is no place in this new kind of physics for both the field and matter, for the field is the only reality." - A. Einstein
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