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Old 28-08-2018, 08:14 PM
TwinFlameHarmonics TwinFlameHarmonics is offline
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Originally Posted by 57tcjc75
Re energy vampire, the two in my primary soul group that I feel it's hard for me to stay grounded is my twin soul & this latest twin flame. The others this is not an issue as to my being grounded.. so this is what I'm referring to as energy vampire & to me THEY are not energy vampires, but it's the energy with myself, that seems difficult to align well, with them.
As to the labels of twin ray, twin flame, twin souls, divine compliment,
what I experience is the soul family conscious awakening. As I say I can imagine there are plenty of soul groups that manifest pretty cohesive, so they really don't need to work in this awareness.
As to the demons, energy vampires, also this awakening of souls; it is precisely the dimensional pulls in these connections, 1D to 10 D for instance, the awareness of the dimensions (challenging, healing).. If there is say said soul group (144 & in particular the said 12 members of a group) that are manifest really apart in this lifetime, it could be for internal work, spiritual healing, & to experience the light/dark, but work on self, & to reconnect in time with soul family.

Where I try to focus now, for myself, is on heaven. I picture where myself & my close souls will be there & in particular the millennial reign (which I think is very soon, the uptick in dimensions, for 1,000 years).
I envision, myself at tribe of Joseph inside that gate, near my twin ray, & close to 2nd twin flame guy.. but we are light bodies so it's not as if we are in flesh
(transformed bodies).
I picture, the first conscious awakening guy working land at tribe of Manasseh, perhaps with his ex before me.. Then I picture this latest guy also there working the land, tribe of Manasseh. I believe these two are connected (related)from beginning of time, with their prospective opposite sex connections.. but working the land, leaders in heaven, however that plays out.
I do think there is recognition in heaven but it is through time, the dimensional recognition of our purpose, mission, as light bodies there, connected but renewed (renewed heaven, earth, light bodies, Christ as The Head).
I picture my folks further away.. & that I can see them at times but they are leaders, teaching people about, love.
Twin soul person (mine) of my primary 12 group, I see him evangelizing, also at a high place in heaven. I don't see a lot of details in regards, specifics as what he will be doing but not who exactly he is with.

The energy vampire in this .. then is not about the person/s but to me, it's about aligning how we need to align, in 3D which is not easy at all.
The light would be, in my opinion, aligning with direction, purpose, one's mission, & deciding where headed (i.e., heaven).
Each of my closest souls in primary soul group have had a tough life, however, I think very called spiritually, very gifted. To detach from the darkness, moving into The Light. If someone calls me an energy vampire I would say it's about them & myself (together). If I have work to do yet (we all do on this earth), it is also important to keep balance in my own life, perhaps not negating the connection, depending .. but to me, my own personal envisioning is to make sure I have myself where I need to be, realize this is about alignment of souls, headed toward.. (Heaven is where I am seeing my closest souls), releasing in as much as is needed for now.

After the 1,000 year reign, I'm not sure about all of this part, if it is different or not. I guess I trust God.
3D is the opportunity to, work on self, to love, forgive, move toward, The Light. I agree labels don't help.. I think people seek to define, often especially this day and age with information highway accessible, to try to understand. The negative hook would be to believe less than, what God has for us. At 3D however, this is a challenge in the way it is so awareness of the higher dimensions, is essential for the peace, love, joy.

Yes, I agree there are demons, evil spirits. I actually SAW an evil spirit, demon, connected to my twin ray. He got angry with me, as I was knowing him, this was early on. When I closed my eyes as he was yelling at me, I saw a demon. I had never seen this before.
My first conscious awakening twin flame guy.. I did so much healing with him (& I), Christ consciousness, that it has been like this, & never one sided. What I had inside of me, then this helped twin ray to heal, etc.
The vampire stuff.. can be figurative, that to just move through to higher self, higher dimension.. loosing of the lie of less than God's Perfect Love for us!

Oh, you're referring to Revelations from the Bible a lot in this post, I also believe it's pretty accurate and the time for the "1000 year reign" as it's called in there is pretty soon, as it happens right after everyone is pretty much "forced" to ascend lol. For our own good of course though, of course it's what we really want on the soul level. Which is just another reason to instead of people hurting these hurt "energy vampire" (hurt people) more, they should fill them up with as much love as they can from their connection to God so that we can help the whole world get to Heaven on Earth faster, and also have this person as a dear friend who will always remember how much we helped them, and how we didn't just abandon them and give up on them like everyone else or give them dirty labels, once we're all in Heaven on Earth together.
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