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Old 07-03-2020, 11:20 AM
Sorai Rai Aorai Sorai Rai Aorai is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 661
Thank you, Mitodin! It just so happens I am making Qigong and meditation more of a regular routine starting yesterday!

Originally Posted by Mitodin
My perspective: Since you referred to this as realms of abstract insight, I would offer the following perspective:

For such inquiry to take on genuine life, they must be not just situated but implemented in our daily life. To riff a bit on Sparrow, to make so that our spirit and intent begins to permeate the cells of our bodies.

As for how to accomplish such a thing, Sparrow describes a practice on his website:
What you want to do is learn to develop a whole new sense in your conscious waking state. What I call clairspherical perception (clairsphericance). You will not find that in the dictionary!

This is to sense information in your environment spherically. Meaning you are not looking at it from one particular aspect, view or angle, you are looking at it from every direction simultaneously.

You are allowing every sense to merge as one. You are allowing every dimension of thought, feeling and knowing to become your perception. You are not looking at it from face value.

You are not looking at it from this side, or that side. You are not looking at it from above or from below.

How far your spherical perception expands depends purely upon the expansion of your awareness. That which you are without is eventually found within, thus your spherical perception expands in every direction simultaneously, like that of a universe unfolding through time.

So it is then, I suggest to you to begin a trial of training your interpretational abilities to incorporate all possibilities, all perspectives and all dimensions of sense.

Allow all information which comes to your doorstep to arrive through many different doors of experience, through many different windows of awareness. As you become a more loving being, a more transparent spirit, a more beautiful soul, these windows will become clearer and more transparent to you as time goes by.

Eventually, though perhaps not in your current physical lifetime, human beings will be able to literally sense and experience everything any other living being is feeling by merging with it as part of that energy, while still existing as a separate identity in physical form.

When you comprehend spherically you can understand why claims of new age ascension and divisions of Self-proclaimed mastery is an illusion of ego. For every point of Self-creation, Self-experience and Self-development leads you right back to whence you came, to prime originator - your spirit.

Every point in your journey upon the sphere of life neither leads you further away nor closer to that which is within.
My advice would be to train in this mode of experience throughout your daily activities as much as possible, as well as setting aside time for meditation and leisurely walks especially for this purpose. Through such an open a-conceptual mode of experience, further insight will reveal itself in a manner that is directly relevant in your daily activities, as the most profound aspects of your spirit begins to manifest with greater clarity through your senses, body and actions.

I hope some of this is of small use.

Best wishes
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