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Old 14-04-2012, 11:08 PM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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Typically I would not say something is Astral Projection unless you can recall either leaving your body and entering the Astral planes, or leaving the astral planes and re-entering your body. Dreams are unconscious Astral Projection though, at least some of them for sure. What you experienced sounds something like remote viewing, did you ever see any of your actual body during the trip? Lastly about the girl the astral/spirit worlds are a place of shapelessness. Almost any entity can take any shape it wishes and almost all entities are highly telepathic. So to put it plainly I honestly doubt it was the consciousness of the actual girl. It was most likely an entity that read your mind and knew that taking the form of this girl would make accepting the dream a lot easier for you.

So was it Astral Projection? perhaps it is impossible to say really. But it was definitely a dream that showed you something real. Like I said before though I am pretty sure it wasn't the actual girl showing it to you, it was an entity who took the form of the girl so you would not have your guard up as much. It could of been one of your guides being that is what the person was doing - guiding you.
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