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Old 25-01-2012, 01:13 PM
Posts: n/a
[quote=gerrygirl]Im so confused what Im supposed to do and how to deal with and what to ask and how to be in my life, because no matter what I do , who I chose I just manage to screw it up.

Its good to vent and let out the things that bother us.. We have to do that and in turn every child of God generally comes to comfort you because 1. they understand and know the walk is not an easy one.. 2. To let you know that you are loved and valued. 3. You are not alone. 4. You may not know your complete purpose and thats because you have many things to do in God.

I can see where God/Spirit is working to help you but, the mindset is so important but, we will come back to that later..

Why do broken people seek you out? They seek you out because we spiritually discern without knowing it so those who are broken see you as a light they may not even understand whats attracts them to you.. and they benefit because God speaks through you.. all though you feel tired and broken in your broken state you are still more powerful than your circle. so know people that may not always have good intentions completely will seek you out.. Never stop loving and caring because you are a guide for them. Do pace yourself and focus your mind you cant stop the trial because theres lessons for you to learn but, you can ask for strength daily to make it through your trials.

You dont want to make a decision to leave this earth because it will be a failed mission for you and you are not a failure. You made a decision to accept the mission so stay on course you will have victory..This is such a critical time because many will not have the gift that you have and you will be needed.. The power god put in you and will do through will be needed..

There are many gifted individuals on this site.. so keep posting especially if your sad or feeling down which is normal we just havent had to experience antything like this for such a long time and we still have to go..You are loved and Valued by God and at times God will make people be for you.

No certain people wont like you and will try at times to make you something your not but, thats darkness/death and we dont pay death any attention because our God is Life.

I encourage to pay close attention to your feelings you dont always have to make yourself last. Attempt to think good things and as soon as a negative thought pops in immediately think something good..This is important.. I do believe help is on the way From the Angels.. Keep an open mind and learn to relax your mind.. Dont watch the world which is hard but, the world doesnt determine things for you- not you God does..

Im available by pm if you want to chat.. really there are alot of good people here that is there for you too.. So smile and never convince yourself that this is as good as its going to get.. because thats not true. Your today is not the best of your life so look to All The Good things to come and the higher levels you will reach.

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!
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