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Old 22-09-2019, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Nicholas D'Arezzo

You were created to want what you want, naturally. Because of this, you must allow your true nature to be alive without your self-imposed scrutiny. Point being, it’s best you avoid focusing on what you “should” want because many people like it and seem to be happy doing it. Only stay where you are inspired, and that's it. In other words, navigate by following your heart and not your head. Being drawn to a specific sequence that only you could be attracted to is what comes from your spirit which is translated by your heart. It is the brain that makes the desires of the heart come true if they stay out of a conflict with each other.
~Nicholas D’Arezzo~

It is as Aleister Crowley noted in his Liber Al vel Legis, the most misinterpreted quote in the history of mysticism! "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law." (line 40).
Many think it's anarchistic: You have a right to do what you like which misses the point entirely.
It means you are entitled to pursue anything in accordance with your true will. Finding your true will can be a lifetime's work. Some call it The Great Work. He also predicted the age of the individual and thus to an extent equality. "Every man and every woman is a star." (Line 3)
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