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Old 03-08-2019, 08:24 PM
davidmartin davidmartin is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1,082
I think a Christian has to believe Jesus is God because the first Christians did. I'm not saying there wasn't different views about how to understand that...there's quite a few. Outside of Christianity people are free to think differently anything they like, and might also understand something about him better than someone who is a Christian i think that happens sometimes

The very first Christian writing the Odes says this
"For I believed in the Lord's Messiah, and considered that He is the Lord.
And He revealed to me His sign, and He led me by His light.
And He gave me the scepter of His power, that I might subdue the devices of the people, and humble the power of the mighty"

These folks really did believe he was the Lord.
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