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Old 11-06-2018, 05:05 AM
SerendipityLizard SerendipityLizard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 420
Originally Posted by John32241

Love for us and what is best for us will always have a higher priority than technical accuracy, as I see these things naturally.


Well, that’s true, John. I used to force harsh truths myself very quickly, but it’s a sad thing to rush myself too soon.

Take care.


Mediumship : The Pre-Telepathy Skill

I sense many of you would like to learn telepathy, but before knowing telepathy, it’s best to learn how to be a medium first.

Why? Well, sometimes developing a foundational or supporting skill makes it easier to learn or do something else. Such as how learning music theory can help you with playing a guitar or how learning how to sing well can support your goal in having a melodic style to your public speaking.

Mediumship is a supporting skill to telepathy because whether you’re using telepathy with other human beings, animals, plants, or lower and higher beings — you have to act as a developed medium for this communication to take place.

I’d think of the best mediums as those who have the best skill to communicate — as much as writers, speakers, or many other similar careers develop their talents. You can communicate quantum physics to a small mouse, but if it doesn’t have the intelligence to understand it, then there is no point.

There’s no use gaining a message if you can’t understand, respond and act on it well.

To understand well you need to :
1. Be receptive.
2. Have a sensory medium for it — visual, auditory, knowing (the sixth sense), etc.
3. Choose to explore the interpretations for it it either metaphorically or literally.
4. Then be able to choose which interpretation is right.

To respond well you have to :
1. Sense the other being you’re communicating with.
2. Have a sensory medium for it as well.
3. Be able to adapt to their specific abilities to understand what you say — like good teachers can personalize their teaching styles to their students.

To act on it well you have to :
1. Transform vague or metaphorical infomation to a specfic and practical experience.
2. Have a developed ability to imagine with your different senses to take in these ideas on a concrete form.
3. Then lastly, have the confidence and emotional readiness to trust your ideas.

We’ll be taking a look on each major step soon. So take care until then.

Commonly Asked Questions :

1. I have some trouble with having bad intentions on reading these or disbelieving what you say. Is this wrong?

There’s a difference in having suspicions and being absolutely closeminded to anything I say. If you do your best to improve, then that’s an entirely different form of energy than someone who stays here to mock me. It’s alright. You’re still growing.

2. Who was that guy you said to leave you earlier? Is it possible for higher spirits to get angry?

I’ll not reveal who that person was out of kindness, but I don’t feel anger if I don’t choose to. Though, if I’d like to empathize with hunan beings’ emotons, then I’d choose to feel some of their emotions to better understand.

“Negative emotions” aren’t always lower vibrational feelings. Fear can be a positive force to instinctively drive away from danger to save your life from a car accident, as much as anger can be used to stand up for others’ in many human rights’ movements. These emotions in situations such as these are still rooted in love — for one’s self and others.

You have these emotions for a reason, and so I benefit from feeling them sometimes myself. I have much to learn from human beings in this sense. Not all beings in the galaxy have emotions such as these to serve as proper warnings to their plights.

M with love.